Why are Mexicans so Religious?

Why are Mexicans so Religious? PORQUE LOS MEXICANOS SON TAN DEVOTOS Disertar sobre porque los mexicanos son tan devotos, es un tema muy complejo, porque involucra muchos diferentes aspectos, pero trataré de darles una idea en general. Después de queContinue Reading

VASCO DE QUIROGA AND HIS MEXICAN UTOPIA The history of Vasco de Quiroga, born in Spain in 1470, is fascinating. He was appointed by Queen Elizabeth of Spain in 1530 to come to New Spain to evangelize and end withContinue Reading

The Three Kings Festivity

THE THREE KINGS FESTIVITY January 6 is the festivity of the Three Kings. Also called the Festivity of the Magi. The origin of this festivity comes from the gospel of St. Matthew, where the three magi are mentioned. They cameContinue Reading

HOW DO MEXICANS CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS? Christmas is one of the most important festivities for Mexicans because we celebrate the nativity of Jesus. TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS Christmas in Mexico has a great variety of traditions and customs. Everything that takes placeContinue Reading

BENITO JUAREZ AND ABRAHAM LINCOLN In these pasts years when the relationship between the The United States and Mexico have been very complicated, I want to mention that it has not always been like this. Benito Juarez and Abraham LincolnContinue Reading

A Special Christmas and New Year All the team of Loving Mexico, and the whole world, have lived difficult times during 2020. However, confinement has given us time to reflect on what is truly important in our lives. We haveContinue Reading

Ball Game There are many ball game courts in Archaeological Zones all over Mexico; it was a practice of endurance and skill. It was a sophisticated way of understanding the environment where the game was conceived as a computer ofContinue Reading