Artists in the Lakeside Area Last week we posted the last town in the lakeside area, that we will visit, JOCOTEPEC, so I decided to write today, about the artists of the area. The Lakeside area is an important ArtContinue Reading

History of Mexican Movies Welcome to Loving Mexico. Today I decided to write about the history of Mexican movies, because the movies, created to a certain degree the identity mainly of the baby boomers. The first film makers starting filmingContinue Reading

Toltec Wisdom

Toltec Wisdom We have something to learn from every civilization which has proceeded us. Each civilization had it’s philosophers, leaders, etc. They were like us, all people with hopes and dreams. The Toltec civilization reached their apogee from the yearContinue Reading


TOURISM – COVID – LOVING MEXICO Tourism, is one of the industries that has been most affected since the Covid 19 crisis hit. When will we travel again? What businesses will survive? What will tourism be like after the situationContinue Reading

San Juan Cosala

San Juan Cosala Today we are visiting San Juan Cosala. You may not know much about it other than the spas, which are world class. The name comes From the náhuatl Word meaning “ Place among the snakes in theContinue Reading

Prelude to the war of Independence   Bibliography/Sources; Fragmento tomado de la Independencia a la Consolidación Repúblicana de Josefina Zoraida Vázquez del Libro “Nueva Historia Mínima de México” Publicado por El Colegio de México.Continue Reading

Chapala Part 1

Chapala (Part 1) In this first video we will talk about Chapala, one of the largest towns of the Lakeside area located about 40 kilometers south of Guadalajara, which is the second largest city in Mexico. Chapala is a beautifulContinue Reading

Pre-Hispanic Period Part 1

Mexico’s Pre-Hispanic Period (Part 1) HELLO FRIENDS,  WELCOME TO LOVING MEXICO. Today I will talk about the history of Pre-Hispanic Mexico. To be able to understand a little of what Mexico has been throughout history, and thus understand Mexicans. ItContinue Reading