Mexico’s Pre-Hispanic Period (Part 1)

HELLO FRIENDS,  WELCOME TO LOVING MEXICO. Today I will talk about the history of Pre-Hispanic Mexico.

To be able to understand a little of what Mexico has been throughout history, and thus understand Mexicans. It is important to know a little of the history of this country.


Mexico is actually many Mexicos, not only because of the dramatic social differences known to the world but because of the ethnic background. The cultural traditions and the ecological contexts vary from one region to the other.

In Mexico there are around 29 ethnic groups, belonging to 5 different linguistic families from the North to the South of the country. Mexico’s first inhabitants were hunter-gatherers and fishermen. It was not until the year 5000 BC, that they domesticated corn and beans.

These indigenous groups have learned not to rely solely on their pasts. But in an attempt to join in the continuous change that is present in Mexico, have adapted to modern ways as they hold dear many  of their
most ancient traditions.

Mexico had many cities throughout the región, each with a different government and language, only a few bécame great cultures.

Among them were the Olmecs, who flourished from the year 2500 BC to 200 AD. In the regions now known as Veracruz and Tabasco.

A typical hallmark of this culture is the big round heads they left behind. Even though they are considered to be the mother culture of Mesoamerica their origins remain unknown.

You might be interested in reading:

Toltec Wisdom

The Legend of Quetzalcoatl

Bibliografía / Fuentes de Mexico’s Pre-Hispanic Period (Part 1)

Fragmento de Wikipedia
tomado de México Antiguo, escrito por Pablo Escalante Gonzalbo, compilación del libro “Nueva Historia Mínima de México”, publicado por El Colegio de México.


Vea el período prehispánico de México (Parte 2)