Artists in the Lakeside Area Last week we posted the last town in the lakeside area, that we will visit, JOCOTEPEC, so I decided to write today, about the artists of the area. The Lakeside area is an important ArtContinue Reading


Jocotepec Welcome to Loving Mexico. The history of the 5 most important towns on the North Lakeside area is very similar, all established around the same years. These towns are much more than the Green directional signs you see. Jocotepec’sContinue Reading

History of Mexican Movies Welcome to Loving Mexico. Today I decided to write about the history of Mexican movies, because the movies, created to a certain degree the identity mainly of the baby boomers. The first film makers starting filmingContinue Reading

Toltec Wisdom

Toltec Wisdom We have something to learn from every civilization which has proceeded us. Each civilization had it’s philosophers, leaders, etc. They were like us, all people with hopes and dreams. The Toltec civilization reached their apogee from the yearContinue Reading