The Inquisition In The Americas

The inquisition started in 1229. This was a movement within the Catholic Church whose aim was to combat heresy, and any other entity that would oppose the church.


Some of the content and visuals in this video may be disturbing to some. As unpleasant as it is, the Inquisition in the Americas is part of Mexico’s history. If you would rather not watch, please stop here.

Descargo de Responsabilidad

Parte del contenido y visuales en este video puede ser perturbador para algunas personas. Tan desagradable como puede ser La Inquisicion en las Americas, es parte de la historia. Si preferiría no verlo, deténgase aquí.

The Inquisition In The Americas

This was a movement within the catholic church whose aim was to combat heresy, and any other entity that would oppose the church. King Phillip II of Spain established a tribunal called “Tribunal Del Santo Oficio De La Inquisicion”. The inquisition migrated to the Americas 250 years after its inception in Europe, this was in 1571.

At the beginning the movement was under the vigilance of the Bishops and Priests.

Initially that was considered sufficient to control heresy until these cond half of the 15th century, moors, muslims and jews who lived in Spain for many years, were allow to practice the irrites and faith peacefully. Mosques and Synagogues were protected along with citizens hip rights, but with the inquisition all this was prohibited.

In America the court was first started in Santo Domingo and called in those days, “La Española” and three years later, following the conquest of New Spain was completed, a Franciscan Friar was named as the “Comisar of the inquisition in Mexico.”

The first inquisitor was lenient, but after his death, another inquisitor took control and began to practice more insidious persecutions.

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Fragments from Date: December 20th, 2019